Wordless Wednesday

Almost Wordless Wednesday: Seeing Double Double

Last Saturday, I was in the garden when I spotted these migrating Monarchs. The weather was warm (mid 70s) and sunny—one of those days that feels more like early summer than fall.

I spent a long time watching them and taking pictures. Here are three of my favorites.

Two Monarchs on White Butterfly Bush

I know summer can’t last forever and the bees and butterflies won’t visit again until next year. I’m both fortunate and grateful to have my own piece of paradise that attracts them—and I certainly work hard to create a great garden for all animals, even the chipmunks who think they’re entitled to my tomatoes! But, man, I’m feeling very melancholy with the passing of the seasons this year.

Need a little pick me up?

I’ve hummed this song almost non-stop since Saturday!



  1. Mary R Gilbert

    October 25, 2017 at 11:20 am

    Aren’t they gorgeous?
    You’ve worked so hard on your garden – and now you’re reaping the joys of the natural beauty AND the natural nourishment!
    What’s next? Snowmen???

    1. Sarah | Horseradish & Honey

      October 25, 2017 at 3:14 pm

      Snowmen – you crack me up! Maybe a snow Taz – if we get enough snow this year.


    October 25, 2017 at 12:11 pm

    Great photos!

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