I always plant “sacrificial” tomatoes in our backyard for deer. This year, I decided to plant them in the rental house backyard (which is next door to ours). Deer and other...
I was in the garden minding my business stalking bees and butterflies when I noticed two monarchs flying around. When they both landed on a butterfly bush, I went over...
Well really, just on Dasher. Specifically this blue dasher dragonfly perched on a garden stake near the koi pond. Very cool and sort of sci-fi. It’s hard to pause in...
It was another scorching hot weekend in Cincinnati. I decided to head out to garden early Sunday morning, around 7:30. It didn’t help, I was dripping sweat (that paints a...
Pesticide. Fungicide. Herbicide. Genocide. Homicide. Suicide. What do these all have in common? The suffix “cide”, which means killer or the act of killing. To be clear, I’m not equating...