Garden Musings

Sow What?

Sow tomatoes!

I’ve stared at this half-finished blog post for TWO weeks. What is wrong with me? I don’t feel like blogging nor do I feel like sowing seeds indoors.

I finally got over both (at least I’m finishing this blog post, ha ha) and sowed some warm-season veggie seeds a couple of weekends ago.

I also finally realized I have a tomato “issue”—I think I started 9 or 10 different varieties. But that’s part of the fun of starting your own seeds! Grow what you want and what you generally can’t find locally. I’m growing my all-time favorites: Gardener’s Delight, Roma, and Super Sweet 100s. I’m also trying two varieties: Green Zebra and Black Sea Man (both ordered from Urban Farmer, which is one of my favorite places to order seeds from).

Also, these cool-season dudes (kale, kohlrabi, spinach) are almost ready to go in the ground. Provided I can leave them outside long enough to get acclimated! Fingers crossed, rainy weather moves out soon.

In non-gardening news, my husband bought a fun new toy. And I took it for a spin in the backyard because my history with two-wheeled vehicles isn’t great!

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