Garden Musings

My Week in Pictures

Some of the week’s highlights.

1. Lots of rain. Mostly overnight and early morning so the garden wasn’t too waterlogged.Lots of Rain This Week | Horseradish & Honey
2. I was worried about the peppers because of the rain but they seem to be growing well. Especially the Corno di Toro (aka bull’s horn) peppers. New to me this year—can’t wait to try them!Corno di Toro Pepper | Horseradish & Honey
3. Anticipation! I planted cucumbers late this year in hopes of discouraging the cucumber beetles. Seems to have worked but the wait is killing me. These cucumbers look like they’ll be ready for harvesting soon.
Cucumbers "This" Close | Horseradish & Honey
4. More anticipation! First tiny lima beans spotted. Have a ways to go until they’re ready to harvest. Definitely a labor of love (have you ever shelled lima beans??) but there is almost nothing better than a fresh lima!
Lima Beans Growing! | Horseradish & Honey
5. I may have spent 20 minutes (or more) standing in the garden with the sun beating down on me but so worth it. Watched this bee work and work and work and finally emerge from the squash flower covered in pollen. Pollen-Covered Bee | Horseradish & Honey

And a close up…Close Up of Pollen-Covered Bee | Horseradish & Honey

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