In Like a Lion
March came roaring into Cincinnati overnight—wind, thunder, lightning, heavy rain, and even some hail early this morning. And, while it’s supposed to cool down a bit from the 50s and 60s we’ve been enjoying, I still can’t get over how mild this winter has been and how much green there already is in the garden.
Like these Egyptian Walking Onions. They’re new to me and I’m excited to try them out. I planted last fall in a grow bag (have you checked them out?) because I wasn’t sure I wanted them walking all over the garden!

Egyptian Walking Onions…overwintered like champs. Excited to try them out!
Our Miss Kim lilac not only has buds, it has green leaves already. I’m ready to cover it with a sheet if we get a freeze warning. I love the scent of lilacs and this one is planted right next to our deck, so I don’t want to take any chances.
My raised beds are all snug under their layers of mulched leaves. I’m ready to start planting some things like arugula and peas, but I’m going to wait until it warms up a bit this weekend. See all the water in the yard? Mother Nature really dumped on us.
March is the transition month. We’ll see if it goes out like a lamb, although sometimes it holds onto its lion-like behavior. I’m trying not to rush it but I’m ready to start planting my 2017 vegetable garden!
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