Here Comes (Meteorological) Spring!
Happy February! January certainly flew by for me. I managed to get my seeds organized and started an online tracking system using Google Sheets. I also started some microgreens, which died last week because I forgot to water them for two days(!!), and have spinach and lettuce growing in my hydroponics system. While we’ve had mild weather in Cincinnati, and crocuses are just starting to peek through, I’m sure Mother Nature isn’t quite done with winter and we still have a ways to go until the official start of spring on March 20.

Crocuses just peeking through
Need something to look forward to?
If you need something to look forward to sooner, mark your calendar for March 1—the start of meteorological spring. I learned about it when I was checking my weather on The Weather Channel this morning. It’s actually pretty interesting and you might want to take a few minutes to read the article or watch the video.
Over the next month, days will be getting longer and weather will be getting warmer. I know I’ll be itching to get out in the garden! Instead, I’m going to focus on February tasks. I’ll be sharing that list in the next few days.
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