February 2017 Goals
Hard to believe it’s the first full week of February. Maybe the fact that it was close to 60° in Cincinnati today has something to do with it!
This beautiful and warm weather definitely doesn’t help with my case of spring fever. I know it’s way too early to start gardening outside, but I do love heading outside to see what’s going on—crocuses are blooming, that parsley is still growing through its mulch of leaves, some buds are forming on trees, and the pond plants are even starting to show signs of growth.
While I patiently wait for spring to arrive, I’m hoping to accomplish the following 4 goals this month. Goals 2 and 3 are ongoing, though, so I’m not setting a deadline for them.
Goal 1: Clean Seed Starting Containers
I start seeds in a variety of containers and try to reuse them every year. I’ve got pots, trays, flats, red Solo cups…just a jumble of things I’ve collected over the years.
One year, I started some early seeds and decided I didn’t need to to clean the containers. Lesson learned when I lost those seedlings to damping off. I still remember the panic and disappointment!
Everyone has a different method. I wash the container in soapy water and let them dry. Once they’re dried, I spray each container with both hydrogen peroxide and vinegar (alternating sprays).
Goal 2: Figure Out New Planting Areas
My vegetable garden is split between raised and dedicated beds. Last year, my husband helped me create a dedicated bed for peas and beans. I already had one for asparagus and another for raspberries. I also experimented with growing potatoes in bags and was very happy with the harvest.
I know I’d like to grow more beets, and I could easily put together a small raised bed for them. I’m also thinking about grow bags for peppers to make sure they get the most sun and have optimal growth. Finally, this salad bowl container gardening idea is high on my list. Hmm—may be planning more than I can get done!
Goal 3: Look Into Square Foot Garden Certification
I don’t practice only square foot gardening but I do use the method for two of my raised beds. I think it would be fun to get certified and figure out a way to teach classes or simply share my knowledge.
Goal 4: Finish the Hoops for the Raised Bed
The hardware for the hoops was installed when my husband built the raised beds but I never finished the project. This IS the year.
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