Garden Musings

My Week In Pictures

Some of the week’s highlights.

1. Lovely, lush cucumber plants.
Lush Cucumber Plants | Horseradish & Honey

2. First batch of fermented pickles.

Fermented Pickles | Horseradish & Honey

3. Finally harvesting tomatoes of all different sizes!

Early August Tomato Harvest | Horseradish & Honey

4. Lima beans! Yay!!

Lima Beans! | Horseradish & Honey

5. Bees are loving the Rose of Sharon.

Bee on Rose of Sharon Bloom | Horseradish & Honey

6. Monarchs are loving the zinnias, too. I’ve seen a monarch in the garden every day this week. Makes me feel like I’m doing something right!

Monarch Butterfly on Pink Zinnia | Horseradish & Honey

7. Newest patch of butterfly weed blooming.

Blooming Butterflyweed | Horseradish & Honey

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